Monthly Archives: August 2023

Asbestos Floor Tiles: Is It Safe to Remove on Your Own? 

Asbestos floor tiles are a common concern for homeowners, especially in older properties. The presence of asbestos in these tiles can pose health risks, and many homeowners wonder if they can remove them on their own. In this informative article, brought to you by Environmental Affairs, LLC, a reputable and experienced asbestos floor tile in Lake Orion, MI, we will discuss the safety aspects of removing asbestos floor tiles and the importance of seeking professional assistance for a secure and successful removal process. Understanding Asbestos in Floor Tiles Asbestos is a mineral fiber......

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What is Asbestos Transite Removal? 

Asbestos Transite Removal is a critical process that involves the safe and effective removal of asbestos-containing transite materials from buildings and structures. Transite was a commonly used material in the past due to its heat-resistant properties and versatility. However, it was later discovered that transit often contains asbestos, which poses significant health risks when disturbed or deteriorated. Therefore, proper removal and disposal are essential to protect human health and the environment. Understanding Asbestos Transite Asbestos transite is a type of material that is commonly used in construction for its heat-resistant properties and durability.......

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